Happy Pi Day!
In honor of one of our favorite math days, we will be celebrating as usual with a lovely slice of pie! One of our favorites is Pineapple Pie — I know, I know — I had never eaten (or even heard of) pineapple pie either until about 17 years ago when my husband first baked one. He found the recipe in a fantastic cookbook I gave him for Christmas one year & it’s been a favorite of ours ever since.
The filling is so good, it is tempting to eat the whole thing with a spoon before it even makes it into the pie shell. The sweetness is wonderfully balanced with just a hint of tang from the pineapple. Perfect for spring or summertime, it’s also quite the treat during autumn or winter when you’re feeling the urge for a tropical getaway…even if it’s just of the culinary variety.
What are some of your favorite springtime pies? Do you prefer fruit pies this time of year or more of a custard or cream type?
Happy Baking & Happy Pi Day!
Originally posted in March 2016.